The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti can generate more than 4.81 USD monthly income with a 59.22 H/s hashrate on the BTG – ZHash (EWBF) algorithm, allowing it to mine some of today’s most popular coins including Zcoin Beam Grin Ravencoin Aeternity Ethereum.
Conservative miners prefer erc20 tokens like Etherum or Ethereums classic but there are also those who focus their mining efforts towards generating passive income by maintaining stability in value across various market fluctuations.
The payback period for the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 Ti depends on its efficiency (hashrate), selling price and energy consumption. Hash rate is the key to cryptocurrency profitability. It is very important to maximize your hardware. You can do this by overclocking certain aspects on each card individually in order for them all work at their best potential with minimal power consumption and heat output!
Though it’s not perfect at modeling every aspect about how you might use your system; hopefully over the time as more data becomes available there will be improvements made by manufacturers.
Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 TI Specifications :
- Architecture : Pascal
- Cores : 2432
- Memory Type-Speed : 8 Gbps
- Boost Clock : 1683 MHz
- Frame Buffer : 8 GB GDDR5

Ethereum Mining Hashrate : 26 MH/s
OverClocking Hashrate : 32 MH/s
Zcash Mining Hashrate : 400 sol/s
OverClocking Hashrate : 450 sol/s
Monero Mining Hashrate : 505 H/S
OverClocking Hashrate : 650 H/S
- KECCAK Mining Hashrate : 890.76 MH/s
- NIST5 [ Bulwark (BWK) ] Mining Hashrate : 50 MH/s
- NeoScrypt [ (ORB) & (PXC) & (FTC) & (INN) & (GBX) & (TZC) & (VIVO) & (CRC) ] Mining Hashrate : 0.86 MH/s
- Lyra2REv2 [ (XVG) & (VTC) & (MONA) ] Mining Hashrate : 45.52 MH/s
- DaggerHashimoto [ EtHash : (ETH) & (ETC) ] Mining Hashrate : 31.32 MH/s
- Decred (DCR) Mining Hashrate : 3.17 GH/s
- Cryptonight [ (XMR) & (XDN) ] Mining Hashrate : 0.65 kH/s
- CryptoNightV7 Mining Hashrate : 0.69 KH/s
- Lbry ( LBC ) Mining Hashrate : 0.33 GH/s
- Equihash [ (ZEC – ZEN – ZCL) & (BTG) & (KMD) & (HUSH) ] Mining Hashrate : 497.92 Sol/s
- Pascal [ (PASC) & (PASL) ] Mining Hashrate : 1.17 GH/s
- SIACOIN (SC) Mining Hashrate : 1.98 GH/s
- BLAKE2S Mining Hashrate : 4.77 GH/s
GTX 1070 TI OverClocking Settings :
- Power :
- Ethereum : 70%
- Zcash : 80%
- Monero : 65%
- Core :
- Ethereum : +100
- Zcash : +200
- Monero : +150
- Memory :
- Ethereum : +625
- Zcash : +625
- Monero : +500
Power Consumption : 150 Watt/Per Hour .
Price : 300$-500$
Too much power on the 1070ti.
In the day, per my posted info on bitcoin.talk, you wanted 106 watts (NOT a percent of TDP, % varies WITH THE CARD), +0 core clock, and +600 (windows) or +1200 (LINUX) for about 32 Mhz – overclock the RAM is critical, push it as hard as the card will handle and stay stable.
*TODAY*, you’re looking at +100 core, same RAM, and about 115 watts to maximize ETH hashrate, but were only getting about 28 Mhz the last week that ETH was mineable.
70% TDP on *ANY* 1070ti *NEVER* made any sense at all, WASTING POWER FOR ZERO GAIN.
Thank for additions